1. Design your header
put the following code to the bottom of app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
Now refresh the page and check the changes. You can try change the color or font of the header. You can check the color reference from http://color.uisdc.com/.
Then put these lines at the bottom:
Coach: explain the 4 states of a link
2. Design your table
We simply use the twitter Bootstrap to polish our table. Find this line from app/views/ideas/index.html.erb and replace:
Modify size of the picture using the following lines
try to change the width and see what’s gonna happen
add the following lines to the bottom of file app/assets/stylesheets/ideas.css.scss:
try add some background style with property background-image
, reference to http://subtlepatterns.com/ for some patterns.
3. add style to footer
add the lines to bottom of app/assets/stylesheets/application.css:
try put more things into footer
, then adjust it’s position.
4. add style to button
open http://localhost:3000/ideas/new and find the Create Idea
add these lines to app/assets/stylesheets/ideas.css.scss
Coach: explain how to use border
in css, try modify the style of button like round the corner, add shadow or color etc.
Other Guides
- Handy cheatsheet for Ruby, Rails, console etc.
- Guide 1: Guide to install Rails
- Guide 2: Build Your First App
- Guide 3: Push Your App to GitHub
- Guide 4: Put your app online with…
- Guide 5: Allow Comments on Your App
- Guide 6: Add design using HTML & CSS
- Guide 7: Create thumbnails with Carrierwave
- Guide 8: Add Authentication (user accounts) with Devise
- Guide 9: Add Profile Pics with Gravatar
- Guide 10: Improve your design with HTML and CSS (Current page!)
- Guide 11: Continuous Deployment
- Guide 12: Build a voting app in Sinatra
- Guide 13: Build a diary app in Ruby on Rails
- Guide 14: Add a back-end to your app (admin pages)
- Guide 15: Go through additional explanations for the App